Living Dolls - sorry Cliff!

Grand daughters

Have you ever wanted to write something about a very precious item where mere words cannot do the subject justice – that is my dilemma.

Two darling grand daughters, both small, both different. I watch every action – do I see myself at that age asking impossible questions? Why is the moon there. . .? Hoping my answer is enough to satisfy an unending curiosity. Note to self – dispose of snail shell from pocket.

It is going to be difficult to write about Lily and Amy trying to be fair and balanced.  They are both exploring the world at their own pace.  We have followed Lily closely during her first two years but now I suspect that Amy is coming out from behind her sister.

Their natures, from where I stand, appear different but this may change as time goes by.  Lily is still jealous if she thinks that we are giving Amy too much attention.

Now that Amy has started walking (it was a wonderful treat to see her perform, if that is the word, at Liz’s place on Boxing Day – walking to and fro to her and everyone else’s delight).  From those first hesitant steps two short weeks ago she is now walking more or less everywhere and is able to imitate her sister following her actions and joining in playing fetch and carry. This is closely marked by improving speech, her vocabulary growing every time we see her.  No more just pointed and saying ‘that’.

I do hope that the bond between her sister’s Lily, Issy and brother Charlie grow.

We watch with interest.

Apologies to Shornne.  We lived so far away that during your childhood we missed a lot of the milestones in your life.  But we are still very pleased and rewarded in seeing the young woman you have blossomed into (Louboutin shoes included).